Review smart watches

When it comes to smartwatches Samsung matter, our review Gear S2 new horizons. We never before able to describe a clever clock Samsung as junk, or intuitive - most of all - compatible.
Swatch with its appearance, such as the ability to play well with Android smartphones rival, Samsung's performance was an amazing turn. The result is a wearable bold that gets a lot of its predecessors right as I got wrong. Read on to find out why Samsung again in the game.
Samsung S2 Gear: Design
Make sure the current price
It's an impressive number of bases Samsung has covered in only two designs: standard gear S2 and published gear S2 Classic. It should be noted that these versions of stainless steel and plastic look like clocks and feels well made - and if you've worn any time before the former Samsung smart watch, you'll know that a great story.
If we have the option of which gear S2 to the audit, we have cotton for the Classic. Fluted bezel, leather strap and a smaller body combine for a premium feel and can easily be fitted with straps a third party. It's $ 50 more expensive, but a nice feel.
And also we did not have a chance to test S2 Gear with 3G and GPS - the clear choice for comparison Sony smart watch and bicycle 3 or motorcycles 360 Sports If you want a smart watch for everyday use as well as running or training.
With two different designs and a range of different tapes, there are some style options at Samsung S2 Gear line-up, although it can not compete with Apple or Motorola customization options. While S2 classic gear, with a leather strap to it, appear to be more in tune with fossil-hour plastic strapped gear S2 has a lot in common with Swatch. This is key for several reasons. First, the Samsung S2 Gear Do not try too hard. Clocks with pre-loaded face seems fun and off the wall. It's not trying to be classy like Omega or blingy like Michael Kors. He has confidence and style that translates well.
One of the only criticism we have here is that the 11.4mm thick S2 is still very chunky and sits very high on the top of your wrist. This is similar to the second-Gen Motorola and if there is a guarantee for the next generation of devices is that they will be slimmer, but now smartwatches still chunky. Classic will work for women but it will not be our first recommendation. However, there is one thing is certain - we are so far away from the first hour and a gear. This is a polished, unisex, smart-hour circular that nobody would be ashamed to wear.
Samsung S2 Gear: This rotating bezel
Rotating bezel for Gear S2 is far and away our favorite thing about the piece. Instead of trying extent disappear just like Motorola or frizzy hair for up to look like a traditional wristwatch like LG, Samsung turned it into a satisfactory way, addictive and most importantly, intuitive to interact with intelligent clock.
When you move your hand to hover over control on your wrist is the exact location of the land of your fingers, even when you do not care yet, and thanks to some design intelligent user interface in Tizen her - the operating system more on that later - you can switch between applications, cycle to notifications, and change the size and brightness in the same smooth motion.
In short, it's genius-and-sorry, Samsung - we hope to see similar mechanisms on smartwatches rival.
It's faster than digital Crown Apple Watch and sticks touchscreen and gestures of Android Wear. You can control everything with your finger on the right half of the bezel (if you're right handed), which means you will always be able to see the entire screen.
The extent of his nearest rival here is actually a well-known Chinese clock, designed by frog design, called
Ticwatch which has a capacitive strip on the outer edge.
There are also two buttons on the right edge of the body and watch the tour: 'Back' at 2:00 and'aloutn 'at 4:00. The first of these is in an ideal position, the second can be a little annoying to turn your hand on the pressure on the opponent. You can set the double-tap the home button to launch the application, such as the music player or maps, which is useful, though unlike say, tiling, in order to determine the application or identification due to induction touch screen.
Samsung S2 Gear: Screen
With a lot of love for the rotating bezel may forget to pay proper attention to the 1.2-inch screen Super AMOLED bright, vivid and sharp. It's smaller than some screens clever hour and put in the hours so as not to look exactly as modern, such as
Moto 360 2. But this is more than just a retro / classic charm.
At 360 × 360 pixels, Gear screen S2 has a pixel density of wonderful 302ppi, which means that you can choose to set a very small line and see more messages and alerts on one screen while scrolling through them. It's also a sharp pin like Apple Watch is smaller and it shows. It is not surprising for a product Samsung, you can go very bright - maybe too bright, though, as on most days we settled low, setting can be easily read.
Samsung S2 Gear: Tizen
Tizen was always a gamble for Samsung but this time it paid off. Unlike all watches Android clothes from Huawei and LG and Motorola that take advantage of the latest updates, but can not really move a class on the gear S2 do the same. The thing of it is damn good and easy to use OS smart hours. It is also easy to use, in fact, as our beloved Pebble operating system.
The main screen is a screen watch face and you simply rotate left one click of recent notifications. Rotate the right to screen applications and settings icon, buddies (fast) and S voice messages. Keep rotating the right and you can get glanceable information easily - the weather, offering S health and heart rate and information from third-party applications. Choose the list of applications instead Tizen and makes the most of a circular screen bezel with a round application icons around the edge of the screen to navigate through. Continue with bezel simply takes you to the next screen of applications. It is much faster than the zoom in and out with Crown Digital.
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Notifications there, there are messages, call records, third-party applications ... can not be lost. One gig is that the images, he says, of the WhatsApp, do not display on the watch, but this can not be excused for the time being. Tizen lead very well with no lag between shifts - the only thing that keeps you wait is animated when the open applications. Unlike Android Wear, and controls music player works without fail each time. With alerts, and vibration is very - is not accurate and refined subtle, such as Apple Taptic engine but more in you, may miss, is the kind of way. You can set the gear S2 to vibrate long and there are levels to choose from, but even the "strong" is not strong.
Our only criticism is that it would be great to be able to customize the aesthetics of the whole user interface - it seems a little rude and, in particular, is likely to look a bit odd on the classics. Apple watchOS 2 is colorful but it seems more suited to the elegant accessories such as watches
Aliu offer one watch faces and a detailed model UIS customized for each end.
Watch like Apple, and that does not include contextual Google Alerts now and that can be really handy, but it can be said that the above Tizen is - so far - more useful. A quick way to learn about and access to what is happening. What we really want is a combination of the two - the virtual assistant Google is the future, but Android's clothing is still work in progress after 18 months. Outside of Apple and Google, Samsung is obviously been looking elsewhere for their services and are taking care of the maps before the maps here. It is accurate in general, and you can zoom in and out of your site using the extent they can be somewhat slow load on the watch. We are dealing with trends by separate application Here, the Navigator.
Tizen supports Bluetooth - and S2 works with most Android phones, for the first time all other clothing Samsung smart hours. It also has Wi-Fi on board - the demolition to see if he was in an "independent" mode or linked to the phone - as well as the NFC for Samsung payment, service payment by mobile phone, which was a great success in Korea, just launched in the United States comes to the UK . We will update this review with our impressions use payment methods and gear S2 very soon.
There is also the small matter of the 3G and GPS gear S2 with a larger battery, but we have not seen this model so far, according to Samsung exec it's not due to come to the UK or Europe.
Samsung S2 Gear: Health and Fitness
And pulled out a lot of health and fitness features on smartwatches these days, we will focus on what you do Samsung as well. Step count is not accurate, and provides S health of some graphics easily glanceable to show progress in achieving specified in the application of the smart phone targets.
If you want to be more active, can gear S2 vibrate to remind you you've been sitting for about an hour and also give you the time you remained inactive as well as active - all useful, motivational stuff. Other alerts targeted step towards a good pace. You can also enter after that you have to drink a glass of water or a cup of coffee with a single click (once you have reached the screen with bezel), which is exactly the kind of thing a smart clock can help.
And S2 will not replace your watch sports, especially since none of the normal models Classic not have GPS, but there are some attempts to give you this option. He continues to walk the automotive industry, running and cycling, with estimates of calories burned, which is perfect for this kind of casual user who would consider gear S2 as an all-rounder. Although he did not reveal to us the evening jog, and that was also a flash when for once - just once - classified sitting on the sofa light activity. Preloaded also Nike + running is the best option for regular runners as it shows the time, distance and pace right on the clock face.
And a heart rate monitor on the bottom side of the gear S2 is a cut above as well, and although it is no more accurate than the technology you will find on watches Android clothes, it's a lot more useful. They can take on spot readings can also be set to take down your pulse at intervals with two settings, moderate or frequent.
When you do not exercise, you can also put a sign on the pulse readings per minute as "resting ',' before exercise ',' after exercise," or moods such as "excited" and "anger" so you can keep an eye on the health of your heart. The application also lets you know if your heart rate comfort is average or below / above average, even though the stats get annoying fairly quickly.
All in and everything, and S2 offers more than Android Wear or pebble in terms of tracking health and fitness. It's similar to what is Watch Apple provides, in part successfully, but if Cupertino did not decide to include the positioning of the next model system, gear S2 can get left behind.
Samsung S2 Gear: Forum
Therein lies part of the Tizen gamble that may not pay off. There are a few pre-watch faces to choose from - both analog and digital style, customize and some with "complications" to display the date, depending on the weather or whatever you want immediate access too.
As for applications, Samsung has promised more than 1,000 Tizen applications designed for the screen, a circular gear S2, and it gave the developers a lot of notice to get them ready. What we have is a group of big names such as Nike, CNN, The Scream, Twitter as well as some smart control options, and then a lot of, say, exciting applications of interest to those who sift through. It may be interesting generous.
You can go to the Samsung Gear shop applications via Samsung's application to see a limited set of gear yourself, but chances are that you will be very impressed. For example, Uber program that does not yet exist, although you can obviously ask a taxi on your phone, then get smart alerts for an hour until the arrival of the application.
Store Indy took a pebble at a time to get going, but in spite of a healthy society and sales Kickstarter decent, but it did not approach the robot clothes or apples.
But this is the Samsung gear S2 has the ability to get good results all watches Android clothes. We have not seen anything available Tizen yet that pushes the boundaries of what smartwatches can be significant in - we think of the Google application is a two-way translation, for example, or on the basis of the text on the games and watch Apple. But it is still too early, so we'll just say that if you think that the applications will be a big part of the experience of your smart-hour, it may be wise to wait or look elsewhere.
Samsung S2 Gear: Battery charging Omar
Battery life on the gear S2 is better than most smartwatches. Of course it depends on how you use it - whether you go for the always on the screen, and how much you use applications such as S Voice, maps, etc. But when you use as much as we used S2 Android Wear hours day after day, hour smart Samsung is left standing one. 300mAh battery that is inside Hassan officially for three days - and we did not get more than two days and a bit of it, even without the screen in a permanent operation, but we are sure they can go for a longer period with the use of lighter.
To see the battery level, you swipe down from the watch face, exactly the same in Android Wear. Especially worth mentioning is a fantastic energy saving mode. We left the house on the battery 15% one morning after he forgot to lay the S2 in the dock Wireless tidy shipping overnight. We popped in the energy saving and got us home from work before gear conked out. Watch this face switch to the screen include a simple gray, it disrupts everything apart from the alerts and calls and messages on and off Wi-Fi. In short, how wonderful it is and this means you will not be wearing an empty circle on your wrist on your commute home.
As for the dock because, it's the spitting image of the dock Moto 360 (slightly smaller), and helps to build shipping to your daily routine. The only discomfort comes with the need to charge your watch at work or when traveling, but nine times out of ten, we prefer this kind of dock to cradle random property.
Samsung S2 Gear: Voice
Voice controls on the S2 is in fact a bit of a disappointment - it's one of the only areas Samsung needs to be improved. S Voice can be accessed on the right of the first screen of the watch face can also be set to open by double-pressing the home button (as for any application can). The program Nuance voice recognition technology is used, such as a pebble hours, and this is just unreliable, such as Google Voice or Siri.
Chose mic hour body over what I was saying without having to bring the machine up to my mouth, and choose to open a consequence on my phone is fast and reliable, and it's nice to be able to add your driving gateway. I also recorded a voice memo with Samsung built-in application that easily wrote my mumbling. Although annoying, it was with only about 75% accuracy. It's pretty much the same with the voice search, plus it's a little bit of the pain that it defaults to Yahoo search results, rather than Google, for observation. It can make for some strange results.
Ever, the voice need to work most of the time they do not is not in order to get people's confidence in the technology. It would have been a great fight against touching two and one with a rotating bezel, but S Voice is not quite there yet.

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